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tyler zeckmeister
Ministry Director

My name is Tyler, but known as "Boomy around the country." In middle school, being in special education and living with physical limitations, I wondered, "Why?" Having weekly Caribou Coffee with my mom and having her support made me feel at HOME. We would always pray and thank God. My journey continued as a follower of Jesus in 2007, when I went to Ravencrest Bible School in Colorado. It was there that God encountered me and planted a seed, and He changed the direction of my life forever. 


In Exodus 3 God talks to Moses through the burning bush, God asked him to bring the Israelites out of captivity, but then Moses said,

"WHO AM I." At that moment I realized God can use anyone we just have to be open to his leadership; direction & to be faithful!! This story has resonated with me over the years.



I later spent 5 years living in Seattle, where I furthered my knowledge of Jesus and learned that our true calling as sons and daughters is to love Christ with ALL your heart. I also took hold of Christ's power and authority in my life while living there.



 In September 2020, God called me to Fayetteville, Arkansas to start Boomsauce Ministries. We orginally focused on EVANGELISM, DISICIPLESHIP, and SERVING COFFEE. Our core mission is to help adults and students feel at HOME, which includes being intentional and growing a deeper understanding and hunger for God's WORD and truth. Now, through our work here at Boomsauce Ministries, I want to help others know that they are seen and valued!!   


As we are in our 3rd year of this ministry, I want to serve Christ every week by showing up and being open and available to what he wants for this ministry. We want to show people and students what it feels like to be at HOME in their TRUE IDENTITY in Jesus. We also want to show our community and friends that Jesus is all about multiplying his name and growing the kingdom. We grow in our understanding of him through being devoted to him and his teachings!


We do this by following Jesus' example and his heart posture, and not our own or what we think the local church communities today should be or do. Evangelism stems from the gift and power of prayer.


We have adjusted our focus on this ministry and why God designed it. We are still rooted on discipleship but with a core group of students and young adults, Inviting them along to listen and observe who Gods created them to be ,and that includes  ACKNOWLEDGING him through prayer and what he did on the cross and being thankful for what he invited us into, which is access for a relationship and fellowship with him. 

(That's the whole reason we were created) Its been powerful to see them launch a HEART of gratitude and thanksgiving,


Investing in a core group of individuals that are open, available and ready, and teaching them and directing them to God is not about the numbers but the HEART. It has been a great blessing watching them get opportunities that have come from the obedience of what comes from when we are rooted in him.


We give people and students yellow ribbons in the community as a reminder that they are being loved, cared for, and simply that they are not forgotten. Our hearts desire for this community I'm invested in is to help them grow in their relationship with the Lord, and confidence and boldness in the purpose that God has given us!



Andrew Lewis, was the first person to tell me that God was going give me a special assignment and I the LORD would do something in and through me

Boomsauce WELCOME sign-01.png

Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, "Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink."


"Whoever believes in me, as scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them."


John 7:37-38

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