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I met John through on campus because of Boomsauce Ministries friendship with BYX (Christian brotherhood fraternity). I met him at a tailgate before a football game in late October. The week before I met him, I started discipling Will which is John's big but also his girlfriend's sister's boyfriend which is pretty cool!!

It's been cool because John and I probably met up most every 2 weeks since we both really busy!! He is also a nursing major and has REALLY REALLY helped me to know the spirit and experience thanksgiving.

Ephessians2:22 In him were built TOGETHER through a dwelling place which is through the power of the spirit!!

John helped me to really grow in the spirit ATHORITY and direction. As I met students, I share more BOLDY the gospel and the HOME acronym because of walking with John!! I used to before this year of ministry and with BOOMSAUCE just wanted to be known but then walking with him has helped me to grow back to why God gave me this gift and that was to help students have a deeper hunger and desire to walk in their TRUE IDENITY!!

It's also been beautiful he has been to the evangelism tent every day and gets to semi partner with God and me and just encourage students that we just want to make students feel loved and valued!!

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